I hate to say, it's a pretty good product in many respects, but lacking in a few that stops it from being a potential masterpiece or high caliber piece, if nothing else.
To start with the constructive here:
-High quality and fairly well known voice actors. Always a plus to have those around.
-3d animation and according cell-shading style, both of which have potent punch for a unique and high quality style.
-Really good processing of said art, so it comes out nice and crisp. Further compliments the art style in and of itself.
-A universe with enough interest and things being juggled to keep the viewer in for the unique world they are curious to learn more about, or at least enough to keep their attention.
-A solid amount of length and good frame rate as well, meaning this is a platform reading to go for extremely high quality art and animation as a whole. I cannot emphasize these 2 key points enough to mark the difference between something that's fun for a couple of goes and something that people come back to again and again.
That being said, there are a handful of things that lack polish or may, dare I say, directly need improvement to play catch up to the stunning fields already presented. I should emphasize that half the reason these bug me some is because of the overt imbalance between various qualities, making the goods still good, but the bads fairly exaggerated.
-While the voice acting was of quality, there was a lack of immersion into a considerable few of the lines, which held back the ambiance from being more complete and the atmosphere from holding more direction and interest, compared to the potential clearly carved out. On a related note, a handful of lines feel less inspired or poorly written, or maybe just poorly timed. I would argue the writing is the strongest point in which this lacks, as it holds back the story telling considerably, which is the main focus. That being said, the writing isn't too obviously flawed or filled with gaping holes, either, and that counts for a lot on the other side of the scales.
-Some animations produced by characters seemed unnatural (less to a point of "not superior quality" and more of "slightly below desired quality") and some seemed a tad choppy, though they were few and far between, I'm glad to be able to say.
-The way the action and its conversations near the action were placed against another really ruined the flow of the action scenes, or at least for me. Usually a good style of cutting between the relevant story info and the threatening action relies HEAVILY on fluidity and pace to keep them pressed against another in truly satisfying matter.
-In some cases the choreography for the action felt less inspired and more rigid. There were considerably good concepts in play, but once again this is one of those delicate borders to mind if one hopes to nail quality right on the head for the legendary quality level.
-While I'm not too anime educated, I was able to pick out a handful of characters that were directly ripped from popular animes/mangas. I feel like there was a strong vibe of "paying homage to inspiration" or "references placed in the mix for fun", but the overt way it was portrayed draws 2 issues from my point of view. Firstly, it means a handful of characters are being designed purely by the artist, and one sees much of the other work that makes them love the artist's style, direction, and creations... only for a couple of areas to lack the completeness of that quality the fans become attached to. Secondly, and this one gets me slightly more, for the sake of paying homage or fun references, subtle is usually the way to go. Not only do fans love finding the little things for picking through their favorite pieces and shorts, the delayed discovery effect increases the humor and enjoyment of the bit almost exponentially.
I want to take time and reemphasize that there are some very well done fields as a whole for this bit, as are many of your bits I've seen in passing. If the other fields are be better handled (not that the handling was BAD either) or are able to do some catching up, your work would be simply explosive in enjoyment factor AND quality. As much as I enjoy the things going right here, I find myself being disappointed more because it IS that close to being a knock-out product.
I might catch some more of your works in the future, as they come. We'll see.
7/10, 4/5 ~WCCC