The choreography is absolutely stellar in this. Lots of things I've never seen before in arrangements, and things that are highly underrated on top of it. For instance, guys in body armor making fun enemies, as just one example of the latter. For the former, things like holding a pistol to a guy's head, reloading it, then firing while he's still pinned down? Awesome. Dropping a guy's magazine with gun-fu and watching him fire the single round in the chamber? A fantastic detail.
Some of the movement, particularly in response to recoil, being hit, and etc do feel a bit on the weak end. Well, for what I've come to expect from Madness shorts, anyways. Still, the reactions are there almost always, so it's certainly not a lack of effort in play. While it is well into the realm of opinion and bias, I would have loved to see more "fling" and "bounce" when the chaos unraveled. I feel like some of the sequences with slow, tactical movements could've also been enhanced with some alternate camera work to ramp up the sense of tension... But let's be honest, side scrolling is prettymuch 96% of everything in madness combat, so once again that's a very specific detail.
I found myself really enjoying the details and movements here, but the sense of energy didn't quite cap it off into a complete "murder boner" or whatever you'd call that. Awesome work nonetheless, I really can't overstate the sense of soul and individuality in the action sequences' planning.