Great game, but a lot of annoyances.
I personally loved all the NES throwbacks, emulations, and hilarious quirky bits to this game, but found it near unbearable at some points with almost short-spanned, super excessive difficulty (which is very much like NES). After doing the first 5 levels of the game, my save data mysteriously vanished when I logged on a week later, and I re-did all my progress. In re-doing it, I realized the horrible replayability this game has (or at least to me) due to all those knots of stupid annoyance such as the barrage of instant death lasers in the Mega-Man phase (especially after killing 9 enemies EVERY life, leaving my trigger finger aching after just the 2nd go.), the excessive button-spamming effort of the Balloon Fight knock off (I've played the original and swear its MUCH easier), the sea anemone, and lots of quirks with the Wrestling/Boxing type match related to speed (knock down opponent; before he even hits the ground he recovers and triple specials me with head-bite, vomit, and spin... repetitively) .
Like I said, great game. Played it, loved it, hope to see something like it or of similiar quality in the future, but can be rather annoying at some points.
5/5, 9/10