Alright, lot to run over. This is one high caliber type muncher, and I'm rating this now after maxing out all my crap at exactly wave 120.
Potential bugs:
-Sometimes EMP'ing the axe throwing boss (violence abolisher?) at a very special moment seems to trip a particular frame where he spawns axes, resulting in him sometimes throwing an entire wall of like 30 axes all at once, but they land in only one lane
-Final upgrades for EMP, Health, and grenades are totally free. Not sure if this is intentional as freebie or if its a bad data value that just reaches (or was left as, accidentally) a null.
-Sometimes during massive waves, the rocket launcher guys will be in packs of 7 or so but not all of them will shoot, but if this occurs "naturally" as a really random chance, you can expect them all to go firing all at once, had a luzly showdown where all 3 lanes were being occupied twice per volley of rockets.
Tips and strategy:
-After unlocking medpacks, but sure to use them just before you kill the last enemy per wave, letting you finish with full health for extra cash.
-Combining EMPs and Grenades is often a very effective method for knocking down insanely numerous crowds.
-EMPs, Grenades, And Medkits don't expose you to fire during use. Use this to your advantage.
-Buy money upgrades early on and try to balance them with combat upgrades later game, it pays off quite well.
-Grenades bypass the shields on the shield wielding boss (Who is made of Styrofoam and tissue paper so no biggie) and the smaller minion replicas. This can be helpful to gradually wear them down if they keep blockading all your shots and timing burst of fire isn't practical.
-The enemies greatest strength is not so much numbers as it is diversity. Each enemy type has a weakness, and by combining large varieties of enemies at once they compliment each other. Act accordingly; know their individual weaknesses and make sure to single out minorities as much as you can, leaving similar attack enemies left that you can outmaneuver by exploiting aforementioned weaknesses.
-Flamethrowers will annihilate you if you leave them around, take them out ASAP.
-I recommend attacking enemies in a hierarchy of Suicide Bombers > Bosses > Flamethrowers > Axe Wielders > Red Troops > Shield Bearers > Rocket Launchers > Shotgunners > Riflemen
-Combine magazine, spread, damage, and knockback upgrades for devastating effect. This allows you to fire in short, controlled bursts (for max spread exploit) that lets you shoot almost indefinitely and suppress large crowds of enemies with ease.
-Spread upgrades get exponential and fire in a mathematical sense. They start with the upgrade level number and subtract one every next shot until the spread is at just one shot. Firing in controlled burst combined with 4-5+ spread upgrades allows you to fire shotgun pattern indefinitely. It is also extremely ammo efficient and deadly at close range.
-If you find flamethrowers, suicide bombers, or other enemy types are nearly one-shotting you with your current health level, look into armor upgrades. I procrastinated early on with health upgrades and ended up regretting it as packs of double suicide bombers ran in doing 80% of my health each. Messy.
-Any wave numbers ending in 5 results in a massive wave after the first normal wave is depleted. If practical, I recommend you wait it out and wait for cooldowns to finish, including primed medkit while at max health, then run in with all your tools prepared for whatever comes your way. I can really say it is your only on wave 115 and similars.
-Don't neglect abilities even if you don't seem to use them often. I was extremely hesitant with EMP and now I realize it as a very important tool in your arsenal.
-Keep grenades well upgraded to try and one shot shield bearers as much as possible.
-Perhaps consider not chasing down outrageously expensive upgrades but rather sometimes large numbers of very cheap upgrades. Be a jack of all trades when practical.
That aside, I found this game entertaining for several hours because of its intense combat situations and somewhat addicting upgrades system. I did however not like how tedious many of the upgrades became to get, which was the major drop off point in my entertainment value. The dialogues were quite humorous and I found myself yelling cheap puns related to peace in a similar flavor as the main character. (Still didn't get around to Hasta la-peace-ta or anything outrageous, but it was good silly fun)
Interesting. 8/10, 4/5