the shotgun looks like a military-grade in the outline, but is a remington civilian type when you hold it, you had unrealistic posture n your mp5sk, and it was too short, about an in longer than the handgun, the "sniper rifle" was good, but the outline was of a G3! THAT'S A 20-ROUND ASSAULT RIFLE, and your fort couldn't be upgraded, and had an unusual shape to begin with, and the weapons were too cheap, and the flashlight "upgrades" just moved it out farther, making it HARDER TO SEE, and all of the zombies came in 2 forms that looked exactly alike, and the shadows were too dark, so you didn't even really NEED a flashlight per say, but definteley was a bit of a strain, and the knife had a copied posture from zombie hoarde 3, and the music was unfitting, and the zombies moved too fast for this slow-paced game, and the shotgun went from rounds to shells, you didn't have to change that, round is a universal ammunition term, and this also had no explanation and you claim your flashlight is "sweet", YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE THE DAMN THING! and this was all structured like zombie hoarde 2, so, i have stripped you of your dignity, and exposed the sham you are, now i give you a 1, because that's the days it took you to stea- i mean actionscript this... d=