Um, it's not completely without value. It is a working game, and provides its own challenge, but polish seems to be lacking at several points. For the sake of hopefully providing some positive insight, I'll list off the ones that stick out to me:
-No sound. Or Music. If you're not used to working with audio these can be hard to procure or install, but they are very key to setting the ambiance of a game. Players are gifted with sight, sound, and thought as their 3 real sense for a virtual environment, so completely leaving out one of these is a major blow the game's impact and environment.
-Window size seems non-relative, especially seeing how it quite literally breaks the bounds of the player area. This isn't so bad, but I suspect this could get weird depending on monitor size and ratio.
-Intro and main menu are basically nonexistant. We're given no major backstory (though this is not always necessary) and the controls and mechanics were very "get your feet wet". The controls seemed odd as they were limited to A D and space. Complete WASD, AD and say Z or X, or even options for all of the above and arrow keys would have made more sense, and generally fits a larger range of player tastes.
-Controls and physics are a tad weird. I should explain this one well I think. It seems the way the player jumps and runs are very separate, in fact, they also feel like very separate physical states as well. Jumping simply holds the current velocity of the player and adds some upwards movement to it, and this does, for the purpose of jump, work. However most major platformers also tend to install "air control" (The ability to alter or influence one's aerial velocity) or have running and jumping seem fluid or combined. The way jumping is and the way it is required in this mini-platformer seems very rigid and unnatural, or at least in the realm of gaming. The way players stuck to ropes with just the current height being used as a stick-point relative to swing. Considering combination of fireballs and no further controls except releasing post-stick, this was counter-intuitive as well as really awkward. I would incorporate W & S for that maybe, if you insist on a non-WASD control scheme for jumping, this could work better in-combination.
-Little devil fire dudes rising in the back. I assume this was a finite time limit being implied, but this was neither explained or very well demonstrated.
This is, for most purposes, a functioning, relatively bugless, and style-making game. These are all good points I want to re-emphasize because these are things the game has going for it, and are important in that sense. What stops this from being a great game instead of an OK one though seems to be the fluidity, the polish, and generally the incomplete ambiance of the game.
I think this is the start to something truly wonderful, and it is anything BUT a waste of time to continue pursuing things of this style or layout. I really see a lot of potential laid down here, and think you should follow-through as best you can. For now though,this remains a solid "OK" label game. Hope to see more from you in the future, cheers.
6/10, 3/5 ~WCCC